Mid-Valley Campus - Child Development Center

South Texas College - Mid Valley Campus Child Development Center has established a high quality early care and educational program for children of STC Students, STC Faculty/Staff, and community. Children who experienced a quality program have a greater academic success, enhanced self-esteem, and increased self-control. The center is designed to meet the needs of the whole child.

STC Child Development Center is staffed by qualified professionals and STC students with varying degrees of education and experiences.

Our Vision

The STC Child Development Center will be a global model in educational innovation by providing an in-depth program for the development of early childhood professionals and providing a high quality service for children of students pursuing their education, the college faculty/staff, and the local community.

Our Mission

The STC Child Development Center will serve as a model program to train early childhood professionals, serve as a catalyst for quality care and education for children and their families in the community, and parallel the mission of South Texas college by providing opportunities through excellence in teaching and learning, workforce development, cultural enrichment, community service, and regional and global collaborations.

Our Philosophy

The STC Child Development Center is committed to providing a program that meets the needs of children in the areas of cognitive, physical, social, emotional, creative, and language development. The program forms partnerships with families in the development and education of their children. The focus of the curriculum is to provide a stimulating environment with challenging materials and well-planned developmentally appropriate activities. Children are provided a stimulating environment, which is available for their investigation, manipulation, and allows optimum time for independent activities. Sand and water play, blocks, music and movement, outdoors, technology, construction, art, dramatic play, library, science, math, and language areas are available to children at all times. Children are encouraged to make choices, decisions and develop problem solving skills.

Tuition and Fees for Families

Who is Eligible:

As current STC students, faculty, staff and community members, you have the unique opportunity to use the services of the Child Development Center.

Age Requirements

To be eligible to enroll, your children must be 12 months to 5 years of age. However, we welcome you to apply for the waiting list as soon as your doctor announces your due date or you begin the adoption process.

How to apply:

Applying to the Child Development Center is as simple as 1, 2, 3…

  1. Visit our Child Development Center
  2. Fill out an application
  3. If slot is available, pay fees in advance of service. If slot is not available, be placed on a waiting list.

Once enrolled...

Fees must be paid in advance of services being provided. Tuition is due on the first day of every month in order to secure care for the current month. There are no discounts for days missed due to illness, absences, vacations, or the Center being closed for holidays, winter break, spring break, or emergencies. Failure to pay will be reported to the STC Business Office for collection procedures. Holds will be placed on student records. Non-payment will result in the child's ineligibility to attend the Child Development Center.

Payments should be made to the STC Cashier's Office or online at STC Marketplace. Parents will be informed of current rates when children are enrolled. If there is an increase in rates, parents will be given one month's notice regarding the new rates. At the end of each calendar year, the Center will furnish a report of all tuition and fees paid, in the event you wish to use this information for income tax purposes.

A variety of educational and recreational campus trips are taken during the year. Some events may require additional fees. Parents will be given ample notice to allow them the opportunity to participate when needed. Families enrolled in the Center may have different requirements from their funding sources.

A copy of the Parent Guidebook, Child Care Licensing Minimum Standards and NACCP Standards are located in the center office.

Accredited with the National Association of Child Care Professionals (NACCP).


Payments can be made at the cashier's office or using STC's online Marketplace.

Child Development Center - Marketplace Online Payments

Mid-Valley Campus Child Development Center Fees

Fee Cost
Tuition Fee 125.00 per week / 25.00 per day
Registration Fee:
Fall and Spring Semesters
Summer Session
Late Pick-up Fee $5/first 5 minutes and $1/ea. Add'l. minute
Supply Fee:
Fall and Spring Semesters
Summer Session
Reservation Fee:
Fall and Spring Semester Breaks
65.00 (Non-refundable)
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