Course and Instructor Information

Public Access to Course Information

In accordance with House Bill 2504, Section 51.974, each institution of higher education is required to make available to the public on its website the following information for each undergraduate for-credit course offered by the institution no later than the 7th class day:

  1. A syllabus that satisfy any standards adopted by the institution; provides a brief description of each major course requirement, including each major assignment and examination; list any required or recommended reading; and provide a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion.
  2. A curriculum vitae of each regular instructor that lists postsecondary education, teaching experience, and significant professional publications. (must not include any personal information such as home address or home phone number)
  3. If available, a departmental budget report of the department under which the course is offered, from the most recent semester or other academic term during which the institution offered the course

To demonstrate the college's commitment to accountability, transparency and open communication with all stakeholders, on this website, you will easily find:

  • The curriculum vitae for South Texas College instructors;
  • A syllabus for each undergraduate classroom course offered for credit by South Texas College;
  • End-of-course evaluation results.

Course Syllabi & Curriculum Vitae

A syllabus for each course offered at South Texas College can be found by searching for the course in the Concourse Syllabi Management application. Refer to the Concourse Reference Guide for instructions on how to search for course syllabi and curriculum vitae.

End-of-Course Evaluations

End-of-course evaluations for courses taught at South Texas College can be found by searching by course or faculty in the SmartEvals Public Reports page. Refer to the SmartEvals Reference Guide for instructions on how to search for results. For student and faculty resources as well as students looking to complete course evaluations, please visit the SmartEvals webpage for more information.

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