About the CLE
Welcome to the Centers for Learning Excellence at South Texas College. All tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, and academic skills instruction is provided free of charge to any STC student. For faculty and staff personalized support, visit our Faculty/Staff Collaboration Requests page.
The Centers for Learning Excellence is all about student success. By visiting the CLE at your campus you may find resources like:
- Tutoring: on-site or online, individually or in a group
- Academic Coaching: build study and time management skills; set and track goals to be successful in your course and program
- TSI Preparation: workshops and individualized support on-site or online
- Supplemental Instruction: facilitated group study sessions connected to a specific class
- Embedded Tutoring: access to a tutor in the class or course shell
- Student Success Workshops: self-paced online workshops or scheduled onsite events
- Independent Study: tracked study time and access to study rooms in the CLE
The Centers for Learning Excellence (CLE) work closely with campus partners to promote student academic success while fostering independent, lifelong learning. Our knowledgeable staff create equitable, collaborative learning support experiences in a welcoming environment for all members of our community.
CRLA Certification
Tutors, Supplemental Instruction Leaders, and staff are trained using criteria from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). CRLA's tutor training program certification process sets an internationally accepted standard of skills and training for tutors. Once granted CRLA certification, the tutor training programs each have the authority to recognize their tutors as having met the approved International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) tutor training program requirements. South Texas College certifies tutors at Level I (Regular), Level II (Advanced), and Level 3 (Master).

ACTLA Certification
CLE's online tutoring services are credentialed through the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA). The ACTLA Online Tutoring Program Certification is awarded to college and university online tutoring programs that meet or exceed rigorous professional standards for tutoring methodology, technological innovation, software and hardware matters, and institutional and programmatic considerations.

Professional Development
The Center for Learning Excellence provides tutors with a wide variety of opportunities for specialized professional learning in subject-matter content and career development. Trainings are delivered through a series of collaborative workshops and are created to meet the needs of our staff and student population. Tutors are required to demonstrate mastery of various tutoring skills and knowledge, in order to move to the next level of certification through the internationally recognized tutor training program. Through these professional learning opportunities, tutors cultivate effective learning strategies to assist students in achieving their goals and success.

How the CLE Began
South Texas College was established in September 1994. An early priority of the Division of Developmental Studies was to designate a department where students could receive tutoring and other academic assistance. The first two tutoring centers were located at the Pecan Campus and the Downtown Campus, and additional centers followed in 1997 at the Mid-Valley, Starr County, and Technology campuses. The department was renamed the Centers for Learning Excellence (CLE).
How the CLE Thrived
Through the generosity and support of Sylvia Esterline and her family (see below), tutoring, study rooms, computer access and support, and other critical learning assistance services for STC students are housed in the Sylvia Esterline Student Success Center. Sylvia Esterline's gift has added to educational attainment throughout the Rio Grande Valley.
Sylvia Esterline
In the early 1920's, five-year-old Sylvia Esterline, an immigrant from Russia, came to America with her family to start a new life on the East Coast in Boston, Massachusetts. As was the case with many immigrants during this time, the family was poor and came to America to seek a better life. Esterline, one of six children, worked for many years in a Boston mattress factory to help provide basic necessities for the family.
It was her marriage to Herman Esterline, an Indiana native, that eventually brought her to the Rio Grande Valley. Herman worked for more than 30 years as a mechanic for Texaco before working at Calvin Bentsen's Ridgegate Ranch, a job he held for nine years prior to retiring. During their marriage, the Esterlines led a simple life, saving money whenever possible. When her husband passed away, Sylvia became a student of the stock market and kept on top of her investments, executing sound decisions that grew their shared nest egg.
Esterline, who died in 2003, named South Texas College as the prime beneficiary of her estate, leaving the College $1.9 million. Her generosity allowed for the creation of the 20,000 square foot state-of-the-art Sylvia Esterline Student Success Center on the Pecan Campus in McAllen. The College celebrated the building dedication on September 20, 2006 with the unveiling of a portrait of Esterline, which remains on display at the Center.
Responding to Changes
As COVID-19 pandemic closures in 2020 made coming to campus impossible, the CLE transitioned to 100% online services, building a virtual learning center in a matter of only four days. These virtual services remain part of CLE offerings, even as students and services have returned to campus. The Centers for Learning Excellence is proud to continue showing our dedication to being accessible to students and supporting the South Texas College community.
Trailblazing in Our Industry
On April 11, 2023, the CLE was awarded an Online Tutoring Program Certification through the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA). This certification serves as a national endorsement of the quality of the CLE’s online tutoring services. The CLE was the first learning center in Texas to achieve this recognition, and ninth in the nation.