ISD Professional Development
South Texas College Dual Credit Programs offers professional development to all 21 partnering ISD’s administrators, principals, counselors, and any dual credit support staff. Below is a list of all the provided professional development held throughout the course of the academic year.
- Adjunct/Dual Credit Faculty PD Day
Adjunct/Dual Credit Faculty PD Day
During the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester, Adjunct Faculty and Dual Credit Faculty come together for 4 hours of professional development. During the event, faculty receive updated information regarding upcoming initiatives at the college level and at the dual credit level, course/discipline specific trainings, and participate in department meetings.
- College Advising Training Program for High School Counselors and Administrators
College Advising Training Program for High School Counselors and Administrators
This training program is designed using the National Academic Advising Association’s (NACADA) core values for academic advising. This one-week experience provides participants with a solid foundation of the South Texas College enrollment process, including admissions, advising, counseling, and other crucial support services that promote student success. This event is held every summer.
- CTE Summit
CTE Summit
This Summit is held for partnering school district administrators, directors, and counselor to increase partnering school district awareness of the Career & Technical Education programs offered at STC which Dual Credit students can earn workforce credentials. This meeting is held every November.
- DELTA Online (for Dual Credit Faculty)
DELTA Online
This online module is designed to help Dual Credit faculty (high school teachers) become part of the South Texas College family. DELTA Online provides them with support and guidance as well as information on faculty expectations, resources, policies, procedures, and creating a college environment. This module is offered 2 times every semester.
- Dual Credit Leadership Meeting
Dual Credit Leadership Meeting
This meeting provides District Administration, Counselors and Support Staff along with South Texas College Dual Credit Programs Staff the opportunity to discuss critical updates, deadlines, upcoming dual credit initiatives, and the opportunity to share concerns. This meeting is held every September .
- High School Librarian Trainings
High School Librarian Trainings
The South Texas College Library supports Dual Credit students and faculty in their diverse learning and teaching endeavors, both on campus and at a distance. We offer library instruction sessions on campus or at our partnering high schools. In these sessions, we teach students about the library’s many services. We also show how to find items within our library, how to find information within our online databases, and help strengthen students’ research skills. The library also offers online instruction, a series of online tutorials and support where in-person sessions may not be feasible. We further collaborate with librarians at partnering high schools to extend our service reach. At the start of each Fall semester, the Academic Outreach Librarian offers an online training for partnering school district High School Librarians to kick off the collaboration efforts for the school year.
- ISD Public Information Officers Meeting
ISD Public Information Officers Meeting
This Annual Meeting is held each Spring Semester to ensure that the College’s Branding, Marketing and Advertising Guidelines for STC Dual Credit Programs are adhered to by partnering school districts. District Public Information Officers were provided with an overview of the Dual Credit Programs, branding efforts and guidelines when promoting and/or sharing accolades, and district marketing requirements.
- Superintendents Leadership Meeting
Superintendents Leadership Meeting
This meeting provides ISD Superintendents and South Texas College Administrators a collaborative workspace to discuss critical updates, deadlines, outline the roles for dual credit schools, and prepare for the upcoming academic year. This meeting is held every September.