Graduation FAQs
- I can't find my email to RSVP for Graduation
Emails were sent to your STC Jagmail. Check the "Other" Tab and the Junk folder. Email is coming from Marching Order. Subject begins with ACTION ITEM...
- When and where will the Commencement take place?
See the Commencement webpage for event details.
- What time will I graduate?
See the Commencement webpage for ceremony session details.
- What will my Commencement ceremony look like?
- The ceremony will begin with a welcome and order of exercise.
- Upon arrival, graduates will proceed to check-in and will be directed to sit in the graduate seating area in the order they arrive.
- Before going on stage, graduates will line up to retrieve their diploma tube.
- Graduates will pose before going on the stage for an official photograph. They will stop on stage to shake the President’s hand and take another photo.
- Graduates will walk off the stage and take an additional photograph.
- Will seating be assigned for graduates?
No. Graduate seating will be arranged in degree order (Bachelor's degrees, Associate degrees and Certificates). Graduates will be guided to sit within their degree section in the order they arrive.
- Will I move my tassel to the left?
Yes. The VP of Academic Affairs will recognize and confer their graduates as part of the order of exercise.
- Where can I obtain a diploma tube?
Before going on stage, graduates will line up to retrieve their diploma tube. Diploma tubes are only distributed at the Commencement ceremony.
- Will there be a photographer at Commencement, and will I be able to buy my Commencement photos?
GradImages is the commencement photographer for South Texas College. Finding your photos after the event is easy. You will receive your free photo proof via email 7 to 14 business days after the event, or you can search for your images on Please contact the GradImages Customer Service Department at 1-800-261-2576 or
- Will Commencement regalia (Cap & Gown) be required for the event?
Yes. You will receive an email of the date and times that you can pick up your Regalia (Cap & Gown). You can pick up at the campus nearest you: Pecan, Mid-Valley or Starr County. You must wear full regalia (graduation gown and mortar board) to participate in commencement. If you live outside of Hidalgo or Starr County you can send an email to in regards to your regalia.
- Are faculty required to wear regalia to attend commencement?
Yes, regalia is required for all faculty intending to sit in faculty seating at the commencement ceremony.
- Will the ceremony be streamed live?
Yes. Guests that are unable to attend in-person may view the ceremonies online at the Commencement webpage.
- Where can graduates park?
Graduates only may enter and park on the southeast side of the Bert Ogden Arena. You must arrive one hour prior to your assigned ceremony. Please leave all valuable items in your vehicle or with your guests. STC and the Arena are not responsible for any personal items left behind.
- How can I make arrangements if I require Special Accommodations?
If you need accommodations to participate, contact Counseling and Student Accessibility Services at 956-872-2173.
- Will my guests and I have to walk a long distance during Commencement?
Please anticipate a significant amount of walking. We encourage you to wear comfortable shoes and plan appropriately.
- Will seating accommodations be provided if needed for our guests?
Yes. Ushers will be available to assist families needing accommodations.
- How are Commencement times and venues scheduled?
Commencement times and venues are determined each semester, considering multiple factors to ensure the best possible Commencement experience for the graduates, their families, faculty, and event staff.
- Who can a graduate contact for questions or comments?
Please visit the Commencement webpage or email
- Will my name be displayed on the Commencement Program?
Your name will appear in the Commencement Program if you are identified by the deadline dates.
- Will the commencement program be printed?
No, the commencement program will be available online at the Commencement webpage.
RSVP Process & Tickets
- Do I have to RSVP for commencement?
Yes. RSVPs will be used to determine the appropriate number of graduates per ceremony.
- How do I RSVP for commencement?
Graduating students will receive an email from Marching Order with the subject line: ACTION ITEM (Fall/Spring (Year) Commencement. Please check your STC JagMail “Other” Tab including the (spam or junk box).
This email will provide instructions regarding how to log in and RSVP for commencement via our partner Marching Order. Graduates will have a deadline date to RSVP for the Ceremony. The best format to use is a computer to find the email.
- May I change my RSVP answer after it has been submitted?
Yes, you may change your answer and you will have until the RSVP deadline date to change your answer.
- What if I miss the deadline?
If you missed the deadline to RSVP, we will complete the process for you when you stop by to pick up your cap & gown. You can stop by the campus nearest you Pecan, Mid-Valley or Starr County.
- How many Electronic Guest Tickets will I get?
Ten tickets are allotted per student. Students are not required to have a Guest Ticket. Children 1 year and up need a ticket to enter the arena.
- Where can I pick up tickets?
Tickets will be distributed electronically upon a graduate’s RSVP through the Marching Order portal. Tickets will each be designated a unique QR code that will identify them upon arrival at the ceremony. You may email them to your guest, or print out a copy to hand to them.
- Do children need a ticket?
Yes. All guests from 1 year and up must have an electronic guest ticket to enter the ceremony.
- Will additional tickets become available?
If we determine additional tickets can be distributed, we will inform you via your STC JagMail the week of the ceremony. There is no guarantee that additional tickets will be distributed.
Graduation Eligibility
- Who is eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony?
A student who was identified by their program and whose degree audit has demonstrated the student is on track to fully meet graduation requirements. Students can review related graduation details:
- How do I apply for graduation?
You don’t need to apply - there is no application. You will be identified after Census of the Fall semester, if you meet the following criteria:
- Be at 98% enrolled in your last classes
- Maintain a minimum average of “C” (2.0 G.P.A.) for all courses in the core curriculum, area of specialization, and a minimum overall cumulative average of “C” (2.0 G.P.A. in all other courses). Some selective programs require a grade of “C” or better in all coursework as outlined in the College Catalog
- Is there a graduation application fee?
There is no graduation application or fee.
- Where do I see my degree progress?
DegreeWorks is a degree audit system used to monitor undergraduate students’ degree progression and graduation requirements. It offers the following functions:
- Allows students and advisors to view a student’s progress toward degree completion.
- Review pending coursework to assist in planning future coursework.
- Ability to run “What-If” audits scenarios for students interested in changing their major or adding a minor or concentration.
View your degree audit on DegreeWorks: Please keep in mind, however, that the DegreeWorks degree audit is not intended to replace the requirement that you meet with your academic advisor, as it is a guide to help you with course selection. For assistance interpreting the DegreeWorks report, please contact your academic advisor.
- How do I submit a course substitution or waiver?
If you need to initiate a course substitution, please contact your program advisor. Advisors can submit that request for you.
- When will I get my diploma after I graduate?
Diplomas will be mailed if you do not have any holds by mid to late February for Fall graduates, and by mid to late July for spring graduates, and by mid to late October for Summer graduates. Update your phone number and “diploma” mailing address by filling out, signing and dating the Change of Information Form and emailing it back to before you graduate.
- If I am invited to participate in the ceremony and choose not to attend, can I attend another ceremony in the future?
No, students are invited to attend the ceremony in which they are expected to complete degree requirements. Deciding not to attend would not give you the opportunity to attend another ceremony.
- How can I get a cord or stole?
Cords: The Honor Cord is a gold cord to represent students graduating with an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Stoles are for Bachelor's degree graduates only. If you belong to an approved organization within the College, they will issue you the approved stole from their organization.