Project Lifecycle

  • Align
  • Identify Opportunities
  • Develop & Submit
  • Award Notification
  • Active Award
  • Closeout & Analysis


Prioritize institutional goals & directions as set by the Board of Directors; ensure college-wide strategic development by coordinating initiatives across STC division.

Identify Opportunities

Research funding opportunities and disseminate announcements to relevant STC departments for consideration.

Develop & Submit

Develop funding applications with content-area expertise; route to internal stakeholders for review and approval; and submit to awarding agencies.

Award Notification

Review and negotiate award contracts; notify relevant STC departments; and host kickoff meetings for internal stakeholders.

Active Award

Act as liaison between STC departments and awarding agencies; ensure both programmatic & fiscal compliance under the terms of awards.

Closeout & Analysis

Assess programmatic & fiscal outcomes; provide summary and future recommendations to internal stakeholders.

Working With OSI

Once a potential funding source has been identified, OSI can provide guidance on proposal development, submission, and award activity, in accordance with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations.  Below is a basic outline of activities and services provided by OSI:

  • Draft a prospectus with important details regarding the purpose of a funding opportunity; required elements for submission; deadlines; and other critical information to consider when deciding to pursue.
  • Conduct a technical review of draft proposals written by department faculty and staff, including format, organization, structure, coherence, and alignment with the evaluation criteria from the funding agency.
  • Assist in acquiring Letters of Support and Letters of Commitment from the Office of the President.
  • Assist in developing budgets that align to agency guidelines for allowable & unallowable expenditures and comply with internal STC guidelines.
  • Provide technical assistance with the submission of applications.
  • Act as the point of contact with awarding agencies for negotiations, revisions, and amendments, as needed.
  • Coordinate with the Project Director to set up internal Memorandums of Understanding and STC budgets for newly awarded projects.
  • Host award kickoffs to review the project requirements, budget, timeline, goals, and objectives with all internal stakeholders.
  • Monitor programmatic and financial compliance with project requirements, request award amendments from agencies as needed.
  • Conduct technical reviews of draft programmatic compliance reports.
  • Provide a closeout report of the programmatic and financial success of a project, including lessons learned for future endeavors.

OSI is not obligated to process and submit any applications received less than five (5) days before the agency’s deadline.

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