Financial Transparency
South Texas College believes in providing our taxpayers with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the financial stability of the District. The District has chosen to participate in the Texas Comptroller’s Transparency Stars program, recognizing local governments in their pursuit for transparency and accountability to their taxpayers.
Traditional Finance
- Finance Summary
- Total Revenue and Expenditures Graph
- Revenue and Expense per Capita Graph
- Property Tax Rate(s) per $100 Valuation Graph
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- Popular Annual Financial Report
- Budget
- Raw Format Budget
- Check Register
- Investment Reports
- General Contact Info
- Local elected official contact information
- Open Request Information
- Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Transparency
- Utility Services Report
Debt Obligation
- Debt Obligation Summary
- History of Tax Rates
- Time Trend for Total Outstanding Debt
- Issue-by-issue listing including principal amount of each outstanding debt obligation
- Annual Debt Report (Individual Debt Obligation)
- Summary of Debt Obligation
- Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Debt at a Glance Tool
- Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Certificate (IRMA)
- Upcoming bond election information: There are no upcoming bond elections at this time.
- Texas Bond Review Board
Economic Development
- Economic Development Summary
- Amount of Tax Foregone Graph
- Number of Tax Abatement Agreements Granted Graph
- GASB Statement No. 77 - Tax Abatement Disclosures
The requirements of this Statement improve financial reporting by giving users of financial statements essential information that is not consistently or comprehensively reported to the public at present, and are effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2015 (The District’s fiscal year 2017). - GASB Statement No. 77 Tax Abatement Disclosures
- Executive Summary - Demonstrating the Economic Value of South Texas College
- Fact Sheet - Demonstrating the Economic Value of South Texas College
- Demonstrating the Economic Value of South Texas College
- Tax Abatement Schedule for Duke Energy Renewables Wind, LLC
- Tax Abatement Schedule for Mesteno Windpower, LLC
- Tax Abatement Schedule for Rio Bravo Windpower, LLC
- Tax Abatement Agreement between South Texas College and Duke Energy Renewables Wind, LLC
- Tax Abatement Agreement between South Texas College and Mesteno Windpower, LLC
- Tax Abatement Agreement between South Texas College and Rio Bravo Windpower, LLC
- Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria
Contracts and Procurement
- Procurement Expenditures Budget vs. Actuals Fiscal Years 2012-2016 Graph
- Procurement by Business Sector, Fiscal Year 2016
- Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Certificate
- Metered Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas
- Dual Enrollment Program Cost-Analysis
For questions, please contact Mary Del Paz, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, at 956-872-3558 or